How scheme can benefit equestrian businesses.
Many equestrian retailers can take advantage of the drop in VAT on catering and entrance tickets – plus the Monday to Wednesday meals vouchers launched by Chancellor Rishi Sunak earlier this month.

The British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) is urging its members to check out the opportunities on offer.
“Many have cafes and some may also have canteens, all of which qualify for the schemes,” says BETA’s executive director Claire Williams.
Until 12 January 2021, there is a temporary 5% reduced rate (from 20%) of VAT for many supplies of hospitality, hotel and holiday accommodation, and admissions to certain attractions.
More information can be found here
Under the Chancellor’s ‘eat out to help out’ scheme, restaurants and cafes can offer a 50% reduction, up to a maximum of £10 per person, to all diners who eat and/or drink-in during August.
Find out how to register for the scheme here
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