A voucher is safer than getting it wrong. 

Riding hats and body protectors make great Christmas gifts. But instead of taking pot luck on brand, style and fit, well-meaning friends and family are better off giving vouchers.

The shopping tip from the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) comes with a reminder that hats and body protectors are most comfortable and perform best when fitted to the wearer. 

And if a rider competes, safety gear may need to meet certain safety standards too.

BETA runs courses to train retailers to fit safety gear and help customers select the right hats and body protectors for them.

If a voucher is given, the lucky recipient can visit their local tackshop after Christmas for a personalised fitting and come home with the perfect present. 

Inventive gift wrapping

While safety comes first, it’s important not to spoil the surprise on Christmas Day, says BETA’s Claire Williams. 

“When they’ve bought their voucher, customers can use a little creativity when it comes to what’s wrapped under the tree.

“They could parcel-up a used hat box, decorate an old riding hat or wrap up a hat silk with the voucher,” she suggests. 

Say no to second-hand

BETA is also urging people not to buy second-hand hats and body protectors as gifts or for personal use. 

“All safety kit has a life span and needs to be replaced at least every five years depending on wear and care,” says Claire, “and whenever a hat sustains an impact, it needs to be replaced as it can no longer do its job.

“When you buy second hand, you don’t know how it has been cared for, how often it’s been used, or if it’s been fallen on. 

“This can give people a false sense of security, and no one wants to receive that under the tree this Christmas!”

Find out more about BETA training courses to fit safety equipment here: