Action urged as autumn weather produces flush of grass.

SPILLERS is campaigning to turn equine kilos into pounds sterling for Redwings Horse Sanctuary. 

Retailers are urged to promote the well-timed initiative to horse owners via their social media channels and in-store. 

A ‘perfect storm’ of warm soil from the summer and sudden onset of autumn rain can lead to growth of thick, lush, leafy grass that’s high in water soluble carbohydrates (WSCs), warns the feed company.

Not only is this grass highly calorific, but increased levels of WSC can be a risk to those prone to laminitis.

Kilos to pounds campaign

There’s lots of support for your customers’ horses’ weight loss journeys via the SPILLERS Slimmers’ Club. Every owner is welcome to join with thousands already signed up.

The club aims to educate on equine obesity and turn excess ‘kilos to pounds’ while raising money for Redwings Horse Sanctuary. 

Already SPILLERS has raised £1,250 for a combined 25,000kg weight loss, with a target of 100,000kg and £5,000 donation pledged to the charity as more is shed. 

Timely advice

SPILLERS advises that for laminitis prone or overweight equines, grazing should continue to be restricted by strip grazing, grazing muzzles and the use of bare paddocks or menages. 

However, the company warns that when paddocks become bare or frozen, it’s important to supplement with soaked hay or a hay replacer. 

All horses and ponies require a minimum of 1.5% (dry matter) of their bodyweight in forage per day - 7.5kg for a 500kg horse.

Find out more about the ‘kilos to pounds’ campaign at https://www.spillers-feeds.com/kilostopounds