Riders encouraged to visit equestrian retailers as activity cautiously ramps up. 

BETA Safety Week is back on with the support of top riders, equestrian sporting bodies and retailers across the world. 

The new dates are 27 June to 5 July for the British Equestrian Trade Association’s (BETA) annual campaign that promotes the importance of correctly fitted, fastened and up-to-standard rider safety gear.

The initiative was postponed in April due to the coronavirus outbreak. 

Air Ambulance UK has for the first time joined the list of organisations getting behind BETA Safety Week. 

Others include British Eventing, the British Horse Society, the Point-to-Point Authority, British Riding Clubs and the Mark Davies Injured Riders Fund.

Reliable advice

BETA Safety Week encourages riders to visit participating BETA retailers for reliable advice on all aspects of safety gear and equipment such as hi-viz, footwear and riding hats and body protectors. 

BETA Retail members are supported with merchandising material and can benefit from the publicity surrounding the campaign. 

As well as UK retailers, stores across mainland Europe, including Germany and the Netherlands, and the United States are taking part.

“BETA Safety Week was originally timed to tie in with the start of the competition season, but many events and competitions have sadly been cancelled,” said the trade association’s executive director Claire Williams. 

“We’re now facing the start of the ‘new’ delayed competition season with the three Olympic disciplines proposing starts to competitions in some way either before or on 4 July. 

“The rescheduled dates for BETA Safety Week will give riders returning to competition the chance to check that their equipment still meets the rules and is fit for purpose.” 

BETA has developed protocols to help its retailer members offer as safe a service as possible to riders visiting their stores. 

“Fitting safety garments [such as riding hats and body protectors] is a close-contact process and retailers have high levels of hygiene practices in place, such as staff wearing gloves and masks,” added Claire.

“BETA retailers will be open to offer their usual high levels of service, so it would be great if customers continue to support them. We do advise riders to check with their local retailers first however to check whether a fitting service is being offered and if it is what is required from them in terms of PPE.”

More information about BETA Safety Week, for retailers and riders, can be found at or by calling the BETA office on 01937 587062.