Recruit with broad experience joins industry body.

Veterinary surgeon Hillary Cowley has been appointed deputy CEO of the Animal Medicines Training and Regulatory Authority (AMTRA), 

Hillary Cowley has been appointed deputy CEO of AMTRA

She’s working with CEO Stephen Dawson at the body that monitors Registered Animal Medicines Advisors (RAMAs/SQPs) and raises awareness of their responsibilities within the animal medicines industry. 

Hillary is a University of Zimbabwe graduate who initially practiced in sub-Saharan Africa. She came to the UK in 2003 to work in the companion animal and emergency veterinary sectors.

Hillary has since held commercial roles at pharmaceutical companies.

She’s also spent a decade in pharmacovigilance which, she says, underpins the integrity of products and the industry. 

At AMTRA, Hillary is keen to encourage vets and RAMAs to work together to support animal owners.

She believes there’s currently “an opportunity for RAMAs to do what they do really well - to advise animal owners on good husbandry, and strategic parasitic use to minimise the development of resistance, among other things.”

AMTRA registered RAMAs undertake an examination and on-going training to enable them legally to prescribe and supply certain categories of animal medicines, including horse wormers. 

ETN collaborates with AMTRA to publish accredited CPD features to help RAMAs maintain their qualifications.