ETN (Equestrian Trade News) brings the very latest industry news, newly launched products, topical features, business advice, CPD modules and more to our readers in the equestrian, country and pet sectors around the world.
This popular trade publication has 10 issues printed a year and is available both in print and digital format for various subscription options.
(Issues printed are January, February/March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October, November and December)
A complimentary copy is posted every month to UK equestrian retailers. Please email us and find out if you are entitled to a free copy for your equestrian retail business.
Ten Issues
- UK – £39.95
- Europe – £73.00
- Rest of world – £86.00
Five Issues
- UK – £20.00
- Europe – £36.50
- Rest of world – £43.00
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