Award winner offers “great service” to local equestrian community.
Charlotte Cheesman – who recently set up Charlotte Cheesman Leatherwork in Sittingbourne, Kent - has been named ETN/SMS Bench Saddler of the Month for October.
The award, presented in conjunction with the Society of Master Saddler (SMS), recognises those who uphold the highest standard of leathercraft skills.
Charlotte grew up with horses and has always enjoyed arts and crafts including art photography at school.
When she left education, unsure what she wanted to do as a career, Charlotte worked in an office for a couple of years - but decided it wasn’t really for her.
Keen to combine her two passions of horses and craft, she enrolled on a two-year saddlery course at Capel Manor, then stayed on for another year to study shoe making.
The next logical step was for Charlotte to apply for an apprenticeship, and one came up with Sarah Stevens at SES Saddlery in Taunton, Devon.
She’s now a qualified SMS Saddler and Harness Maker.

Winning team
Charlotte and Sarah won the Master and Apprentice Class at the 2024 SMS National Competition. Charlotte made a headcollar and the Master, Sarah, made a foal slip.
Charlotte was also placed second in the Intermediate bridle class, for which entrants made a hunting breastplate with martingale attachment.
Charlotte and Sarah took the Master and Apprentice class last year too; while Charlotte claimed first place in the Show Double Bridle conforming to Level 3 City & Guilds Skills assessment specification.
“Exciting and daunting”
“In February this year, I completed my apprenticeship and became an SMS Qualified Saddler and Harness Maker,” says Charlotte. “I have now started working for myself which is both exciting and a little daunting.”
Charlotte is particularly passionate about the craft and encourages anyone interested in working with leather to give it a go.
An apprenticeship is a great opportunity to gain skills on the job that you won’t necessarily get from courses, she explains. Working under a master gives you additional support and guidance which is hugely valuable.
“The apprenticeship has been great, and I think it’s really important that we encourage more people into the trade. Training people and safeguarding the future of this craft is crucial,” Charlotte adds.
Bridle-making passion
During her training and apprenticeship, Charlotte gained experience in all areas of leatherwork including making saddles and doing leather repairs. However, it’s making bridles that she enjoys most.
“Although it takes time, I like that no two bridles are the same. Making a bespoke bridle for a client to their requirements is something I really enjoy.
“Taking their ideas and making them into reality is a great feeling,” she says.
“Great service” to local horse owners
As Charlotte starts out on her own, she is steadily building up clients, and doing repairs on pieces of tack and other leather items.
She has also signed up to the newly redeveloped SMS Bridle Fitting Course.
“Looking to the future, it will be great to combine my skills in bridle-making and being qualified to fit them too. This will offer a great service to horse owners in my area; I can’t wait to get started,” says Charlotte.
Horse time
During her training, Charlotte found it difficult to spend much time with her two ex-racehorses Nessa and Teresa. However, now that she’s back home in Kent, she’s able to enjoy some hacking out.
How to nominate a bench saddler
Everyone is invited to nominate bench saddlers they feel deserve to be named ETN Bench Saddler of the Month. Candidates for the award must be a member of the SMS and based in the UK or overseas. To nominate a bench saddler (or more than one), email and tell us why this person deserves to be put in the spotlight. Please include the bench saddler’s name and business name too.