Tag: CPD
Plans are well advanced to see AMTRA registered SQPs move to Level 5 qualifications from this spring.
Level 5 is equivalent to a foundation degree or higher national...
Worming CPD March 2020
Where are we now?
Parasite control for horses in 2020 by Claire Shand SQP of Westgate Labs
There’s no longer any place for regular chemical worming...
Nutrition CPD November 2019
Fibre feeding
By Anna Welch BVSc, BSc, MRCVS. Veterinary Nutrition Director, TopSpec.
Whilst it is not a nutrient per se, fibre is a very important part of a...
Worming CPD September 2019
Be worm-wise this winter
By Wendy Talbot, national equine veterinary manager at Zoetis.
During the grazing season from February to October, it’s easy for your customers...
Worming CPD – April 2019
Equine worming: the latest expert advice
By Rosie Naylor BVetMed MVetMed DipACVIM PhD MRCVS
Last month, a panel of horse worming experts and a leading equine...
Saddler Fitters CPD June 2019
So you want to be a saddle fitter…
Tired of sitting at a desk 9 to 5? Have you always dreamed of working with horses...
Saddlers Fitters CPD December 2018
Small adjustments can make big differences
Saddle fitters who read the feature and submit correct answers to the quiz will receive CPD recognition from the...