Director finds time to compete.
When you run an equestrian business, fitting in time to compete is no mean feat.
Emma Dyer, director of recruitment agency Equine Careers, went one better than that earlier this month…

She qualified her mare Copper Star for the Horse Events Unaffiliated Eventing Championships for the third year running – and went on to finish in second place at the finals.
“We managed to bag a spot on the podium,” Emma told ETN. “I was over the moon with a 28.5 dressage and double clear over a very beefy cross-country track.”
Following her success at the event held at Dauntsey in Wiltshire, Emma says her horses will now enjoy some down time. But there’s no rest for their owner who’s getting ready to move house and relocate to south Lincolnshire.
Have you had a good season with your horse?
If you have done well at a competition or achieved a personal equestrian milestone, ETN would love to hear more. Email with a few details, your name and business name. Do send a photo too, but please ensure you have permission from the photographer.